Bio identical Hormone therapy Buncombe County, NC - Revive Hormones

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to treat hormonal imbalances that occur with aging and other medical conditions. As we age, hormone levels decline causing unpleasant symptoms that can greatly reduce quality of life.

Replacing these hormones through bioidentical hormone therapy can provide immense benefits by restoring optimal hormonal balance. When prescribed and monitored properly by a qualified healthcare professional, this innovative therapy can help both men and women feel healthier, more energetic, and youthful.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are chemically and structurally identical to those produced in the human body. The most commonly prescribed bioidentical hormones include:

These hormones are used to treat deficiencies and imbalances associated with aging and health conditions like menopause, andropause, hypothyroidism, and adrenal fatigue.

Bioidentical hormones are made from plant sources and are available in FDA-approved pharmaceutical products. They can be customized for each patient in compounded formulations at specialized compounding pharmacies.

Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are biochemically equivalent to endogenous human hormones, providing an exact fit for the body's hormone receptors. This is why they are considered a more natural approach to hormone therapy.

Our services

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

Why Choose Revive Hormones for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

When it comes to bioidentical hormone therapy, it's essential to work with a qualified, experienced medical provider to obtain optimal treatment outcomes in a safe manner.

Revive Hormones specializes in preventive endocrinology and uses advanced diagnostics to accurately assess patients' hormone balance. Our expert physicians stay current with the latest medical research and innovative therapies to develop fully customized treatment plans for each individual.

We take pride in the exceptional care we provide patients for various hormone-related conditions, continuously refining our protocols to help them achieve transformative results. Our exceptional patient outcomes and high satisfaction rates are a testament to the quality of care we offer.

Revive Hormones uses only the highest quality FDA-approved bioidentical hormones from specialized compounding pharmacies to provide patients with a superior therapy experience. We take extra precautions to ensure patient safety by avoiding unnecessary medications and continually monitoring your progress on therapy.

Our goal is to enhance quality of life through proper hormonal balance while preventing age-related diseases. We empower patients with the latest medical information so they can take an active role in optimizing their vitality and well-being. Contact us to see how our bioidentical hormone therapy can help you live life to the fullest!

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Experiencing unpleasant symptoms like unexplained weight gain, fatigue, depression, and loss of libido can greatly impact one's quality of life. These common signs can indicate an underlying hormone imbalance that requires medical attention.

Revive Hormones conducts thorough testing to accurately assess patients' estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, DHEA, melatonin, and other hormone levels using blood, saliva, or urine tests at specific times. Diagnosing hormonal imbalances or deficiencies allows us to develop custom-tailored bioidentical hormone therapy protocols to resolve bothersome symptoms at their root cause.

We evaluate relevant health history and risk factors as part of our comprehensive diagnostic process before creating individually tailored treatment plans. Follow-up testing is done periodically to monitor patient progress and ensure optimal hormonal balance is maintained long-term.

Table 1: Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances

Women Men
Hot flashes, night sweats Declining strength, endurance
Vaginal dryness, pain Loss of muscle mass
Increased belly fat Diminished mental clarity
Anxiety, depression Low libido, erectile dysfunction
Fatigue Depression, irritability
Insomnia Loss of motivation
Hair loss Fatigue
Loss of libido Increased body fat

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy provides life-changing benefits that enhance both physical and emotional health to significantly improve well-being, vitality, and longevity when administered properly under medical supervision.

For women, replacing depleted estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones relieves menopausal symptoms, allowing them to continue feeling like their vibrant selves. Patients report improved energy, mental clarity, bone and heart health, skin and hair quality, as well as enhanced sex drive.

Bioidentical testosterone therapy gives men increased strength, endurance, and lean muscle mass for better physical function. It also boosts libido, sexual performance, mood, and cognition while decreasing fat mass.

Balancing thyroid and adrenal hormones is key to optimizing energy levels, metabolic function, and resilience to stress. Melatonin supplementation can greatly improve sleep quality to fight inflammation, pain, and illnesses. Human growth hormone has become popular for its anti-aging effects like weight loss and wrinkle reduction.

Overall, patients feel much healthier and report an increased zest for life thanks to balanced bioidentical hormone levels tailored to their unique needs. Our exceptional treatment outcomes speak for themselves - schedule a consultation to see how we can help you optimize hormonal health!

Table 2: Potential Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Physical Effects Mental & Emotional Effects
Reduced menopause or andropause symptoms Improved mood and cognition
Increased libido and sexual function Decreased anxiety and depression
Improved strength and endurance Greater motivation and productivity
Enhanced heart and bone health Increased self-confidence and resilience to stress
More energy throughout the day Better sleep quality
Healthier skin, hair, and nails Heightened life satisfaction and enjoyment
Reduced body fat, increased lean muscle mass Improved overall well-being

Restore your vitality. Visit Revive Hormones for bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical Hormones vs. Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to natural human hormones, while synthetic hormones have slightly altered structures. Even small biochemical differences can greatly impact interactions with the body's hormone receptors and cellular signaling pathways.

Due to their biological similarity, properly prescribed bioidentical hormones act more like the body's own hormones to produce predictable effects. Synthetic hormones often cause unintended reactions that lead to side effects.

For example, synthetic progestins in birth control and menopausal hormone therapy link to a higher risk of blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer. Bioidentical progesterone does not share these risks according to major studies.

Many patients do not respond well or develop adverse reactions to synthetic hormones but tolerate natural bioidentical hormones extremely well. Working with an anti-aging doctor to create custom-tailored bioidentical treatments ensures optimal safety and efficacy.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Protocols

The first step in starting bioidentical hormone therapy is to test hormone levels to accurately diagnose any deficiencies through blood, saliva, or urine testing. After determining ideal hormonal balance targets for the patient, we develop fully individualized treatment plans.

We use top-quality FDA-approved bioidentical hormone preparations in pill, sublingual, injectable, pellet, and cream forms from specialized compounding pharmacies. The patient's symptoms, blood levels, risk factors, lifestyle, and preferences dictate which delivery methods are most appropriate.

Most patients start with low hormone doses that are slowly increased over months based on follow-up testing and clinical evaluations to reach optimal levels. Patience is necessary as it takes time for some benefits to fully develop. Lifestyle and nutritional adjustments enhance treatment success.

We emphasize regularly reassessing progress through symptoms and blood work to make dosage or preparation adjustments. Closely monitoring therapy and maintaining an ongoing patient-doctor dialogue is key to the best treatment outcomes.

Proper clinical oversight keeps risks low while giving patients all the advantages of balanced bioidentical hormone levels and a fuller, healthier life. We steer patients away from dangerous online hormone purchases and anti-aging clinics offering cookie-cutter treatments. Contact us to discuss a customized plan just for you!

Key Takeaways from Revive Hormones Specialists

Contact us today to discover how our exceptional bioidentical hormone therapy can help you reach peak vitality and wellness!

Bioidentical Hormones for Men's Health

Men lose testosterone yearly after age 30, leading to unpleasant symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, poor concentration, erectile dysfunction, and emotional changes. Low testosterone correlates strongly with chronic illnesses in aging men.

Our urologists optimize struggling men's vitality, sexuality, and well-being through testosterone therapy. We also boost thyroid, DHEA, and growth hormone levels based on testing. Balanced bioidentical hormones make men feel stronger, sharper, calmer, slimmer, and younger.

Clinical studies demonstrate benefits like:

Lifestyle adjustments enhance treatment success. We've helped countless men renew their vitality and passion for life - discover how testosterone therapy can benefit you!

Bioidentical Hormones Slow Aging by Reducing Disease Risks

Balancing bioidentical hormones not only resolves unpleasant symptoms that disrupt quality of life but also provides crucial protective effects against various chronic and age-related diseases.

Robust clinical evidence shows hormone optimization thwarts:

Balanced bioidentical hormones reduce systemic inflammation and oxidative damage, which are the root causes driving illness and aging.

Anti-aging medicine focuses on disease prevention rather than just disease treatment. We optimize hormonal status to strengthen immune function and maintain ideal metabolic parameters so patients live longer, healthier lives.

Contact us to learn more about how innovative bioidentical hormone therapies can improve longevity by protecting against age-related diseases!

Inspiring Success Stories from Revive Hormones Patients

"I'm in my 60s, but I feel healthier and more fit than I did in my 40s thanks to the excellent care from Revive Hormones! My energy and mental sharpness have greatly increased since starting bioidentical testosterone and thyroid therapy. I sleep better, lost weight, and put on lean muscle mass. My mood is more positive and stable. I have a renewed passion for spending quality time with family and pursuing my hobbies. I haven't felt this great in decades - thank you, Revive Hormones!" - Steve P., age 63

"The menopausal symptoms were severely impacting my work productivity and personal life. Since following my customized bioidentical hormone therapy protocol, I feel like myself again! The fatigue, insomnia, hot flashes, and mental fog are gone. I have an easier time managing stress and keeping a good mindset. My sex drive has improved, and my skin looks radiant. I should have sought help for hormone deficiencies earlier, but I am so glad I found Revive Hormones to get my levels optimized safely and effectively!" - Alicia R., age 52

We have countless stories of how evidence-based bioidentical hormone therapies helped patients reclaim their vitality, health, and joy when their own hormone production declined. Contact us to see if we can help you slow aging through optimal wellness too!


Bioidentical hormone therapy is a safe and effective approach to restoring hormonal balance and optimizing overall health and well-being. At Revive Hormones, our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care and tailored treatment plans using the latest advancements in bioidentical hormone therapy. With proper guidance and monitoring, bioidentical hormones can alleviate unpleasant symptoms, enhance physical and mental function, reduce disease risks, and promote longevity. If you're experiencing signs of hormonal imbalance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our specialists to explore how bioidentical hormone therapy can improve your quality of life.

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